Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Dolly Lifting Party!!!

While on the topic of schlepping, I'm just coming off a nasty back injury that's had me laid up for several months (remember - when carrying sticks with a rubber head, do not twist to get out of the way of someone in a rush...) and now am faced with trying to get back into shape.

Although I have done the "gym" thing in the past and believe in having to help work up the unused muscles, in recent years have fallen slack a have become one of the "my work is workout enough" people. As I get along in years and hear more and more complaints from various parts of my body, I'm thinking that I should at least start my days with stretching. Any suggestions? What's part of your daily regime?


  1. My husband the sometimes dolly grip has an "exer-ball" that he swears helps stretch out his back whenever it kinks up. It's one of those big balls that you can drape yourself across, face-down or face-up (he alternates, gently.) He also visits a chiropractor as often as he can. Good luck!

  2. dollygripperyI used to run religiously every day or at least 3 times a week and doing that and stretching with it always made me feel like a million bucks all day. Later, I also became a "work is a workout guy" I'm trying to get back to it though. Luckily, I've never had a real back problem. That might be a good idea for a hard hitting series of posts- helping with back problems because we're so susceptable to them.

  3. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I know it sounds "hollywood", but I've found Pilates to be the easiest, quickest overall body workout I've yet to try. It concentrates on strengthening your core, and is especially good for lower back. I like it better than yoga bc i find it hard to hold yoga poses for any length of time. With Pilates, at least the home video version (Windsor Pilates) I use, it is all on the floor and you are constantly moving and breathing with the different stretches. 20 min, can do it anywhere, throw in some pushups and BAM! a new you. I find it to be a very nice compliment workout to the daily runandgun, now stopandbestill workout we get as grips- whether I do it before work or after the day's toil has left it's mark.

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I made the "Pilates" post but hit the wrong identity button and forgot to make the request to you guys that was my intention to do before i got caught up in answering Azurgrip.

    Let me try again... D, you have the tips for new grips, could you do one for new dollygrips? maybe easy blunders to avoid or when to speak up and when to shut up...

  5. Hey, as long as we are asking questions-how has the strike affected your personal work situation (I am throwing this out to any and all grips that read this blog.) My husband was working episodic tv until the first week of December, as Dolly/Crane on a CBS show. He has been in the business for many a year, doing features, commercials, 4 camera sitcoms, in just about every capacity, from extra hammer to Key. But now there is NOTHING. But somebody has to be working, don't they? Anybody? Meg

  6. Personally, I've been insulated by doing mainly features, although I did fill in and second unit work on tv between jobs. Features are still rolling, though it can't last forever. Commercials are also still going. Good luck to your husband, I know it's tough when you've been on a show a while and it stops.

  7. To "g"
    I will come up with something in the next day or two. Tell Pawl I said Hey.

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Eat healthier, run, and swim a lot... and of course, stretch before running and swimming... Cardiovascular workouts will help with your endurance and overall core strength. Besides help you lose pounds upon pounds of fat and gain details on your stomach, legs, arms and chest.

    Do this three or four times a week.

    Cut down on the sugars and the fats, drink lots of water, and take vitamin tablets every morning. Helped me get through my back problems in about two months (two pinched nerves and a herniated disk). And it's cheaper, also less demanding, than going to the gym every day.

    hope this helps...

    -josh bluth

  9. Great advice. I need to get back running. When I started (a few years ago) I went from 190lbs to 168 in about 3 months. I felt great and had a lot more energy for those 14 hr days. Thanks for the comments.

  10. Anonymous3:29 PM

    No problem D, glad I can help... I just recently discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and I must say, it's very interesting and extremely informative.

    I've dolly'd a few times in the past year or so and I've really come to like it... a lot, actually... it's something I want to pursue and get better at. keep up the interesting stuff mate.

    -Josh bluth

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